Leverbaar in de onderstaande uitvoeringen, die u hierboven kan aangeven:
Inhoud | Afmeting | Uitvoering | Model: | Greep | Bestelnummer |
10 x 1/1 GN | 750 x780 x 1010 mm | 400v 14 kW | ONE | rechts | E596.250 |
10 x 1/1 GN | 750 x780 x 1010 mm | 400v 18,5 kW | PLUS | recht | E596.245 |
10 x 1/1 GN | 750 x780 x 1010 mm | 230 volt / 0,8kW GAS 22 kW |
PLUS | rechts | E596.258 |
de oven heeft een Master Touch bedieningsscherm, hiermee kunnen gerechten handmatig bereid worden, maar het geeft ook toegang tot een lijst met bereidingscycli die eerder zijn opgeslagen of kunnen er nieuwe recepten gemaakt worden, die vervolgens opgeslagen kunnen worden, afstand tussen de roosters is 67cm, DRY.Maxi voor de ideale luchtvochtigheid, Steam.Maxi voor perfect stomen, Air.Maxi voor een perfecte heteluchtcirculatie, automatische reinigingssysteem Rotor.Klean, Auto.Pure-antikalkfilter, wordt geleverd zonder roosters of bakplaten, capaciteit 10x (1/1GN) GN1/1 = 530x325mm
Optie: Mind Maps ONE.
Having innovative technology at your fingertips is not enough. To really make the difference you need to be able to use your oven straight away, without thinking about it. This is what MASTER.Touch One™ gives you: an LCD touch screen from which you can manage all the functions of the oven. Immediately. With no hesitation. With the visual language display you can go from the manual setting of cooking programs to drawing them second by second, and to the management of complementary equipment. Processes can be saved and repeated an infinite number of times. When advanced technology is simple and intuitive you can see the benefits for your work right from the very first day.
Optie: Mind Maps Plus.
MASTER.Touch Plus™ is the most complete visual language touch screen display that has ever been created for an oven. With the MASTER.Touch™ pen you can draw your cooking processes and save them in the MIND.MAPS program: a wealth of experience for all your collaborators to use. With the MULTI.Time function you can cook different food with different cooking times all at the same time. With the MISE.EN.PLACE program you can have all of your different dishes ready to come out of the oven at the same time.
SteamWith STEAM.Maxi™ technology you get all the benefits of steaming with a light and healthy result, quickly. Steam is produced immediately, already at 35°C, which guarantees less waste, even in prooving and extremely delicate cooking processes. With STEAM.Plus technology steam production begins at 48°. |
RoastDRY.Maxi™ and DRY.Plus™ technologies grant a perfect roasting results with outstanding flavours. These technologies are used to rapidly remove any excess humidity from the cooking chamber providing the perfect roasting conditions to ensure a tasty and tender roast. |
GrillThe Fakiro Grill and Grill trays are the secret to a perfect grilling result, both for qualiy and efficiency. You no longer need to keep the grill under constant supervision, monitoring the temperature and turning the food: during the grilling process you are free to do other things. The non-stick coating makes use even easier and the average grilling times are reduced by 40%. You decide how well done you want the food using CHEF.UNOX technology. |
SteamWith STEAM.Maxi™ technology you get all the benefits of steaming with a light and healthy result, quickly. Steam is produced immediately, already at 35°C, which guarantees less waste, even in prooving and extremely delicate cooking processes. With STEAM.Plus technology steam production begins at 48°. |
Slow cookSlow cooking has always been a popular method of preparing food. It enhances flavour, requires minimal time and effort, and can even improve the nutrient content. When slow cooking constant precise control of the temperature and humidity in the cooking chamber is essential: with UNOX ovens this is easy. Overnight cooking can be managed and monitored effortlessly: in fact data of the entire cooking process, including the chamber and core probe temperatures, can be accessed from the MIND.Maps™ Plus control panel. |
Bake bread and oven-baked productsAIR.Maxi™ and AIR.Plus™ technologies bake the bread perfectly on every level of the oven thanks to the uniformity and the power of the ventilation. DRY.Maxi™ and DRY.Plus™ technologies make the difference in providing golden and fragrant results. |
Roast chickensThe combined use of Unox innovations grants perfect cooking results with any load conditions. The roast chickens will be juicy and tender inside with crispy golden skin. |
Cook a full load of Wurstel, Ham and MortadellaSlow cooking has always been a popular method of preparing food. It enhances flavour, requires minimal time and effort, and can even improve the nutrient content. When slow cooking constant precise control of the temperature and humidity in the cooking chamber is essential: with UNOX ovens this is easy. |
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